Thursday, July 3, 2008

Our time at Grandma's

future goat proctologist?
lovin' the sand
lovin' the "waddy"

hangin' at the beach
all the 'kids' having a blast!
Christian and Ellie chasing the new 'kids'

trying to keep peace between two stubborn toddlers


Lani said...

cute pics. Why are they soooo small?


Sherdon, remember how you said that you got a hematoma from setting up your blog? I have two new ones! Molly started helping me set ours up but the only pictures I had was the ones I sent via email to mom and they were 90X68 pixels and we can't seem to change them for the life of us! I'm so frustrated. I'm also trying to get it rearranged like I want and put the new updated pics of the kids at the lake here but am having difficulty figuring the stupid, .........blank, blank thing out!

Colton said...

You have a ferocious goat infestation. You need to hire out that Tyrannosaurus from Jurassic Park.

Just kidding. So glad you have a blog! I'm a total nerd, so I will be stalking you faithfully! It looks like you are having a ball! I wish I were at the lake at the moment.

Jenn said...

Your little boy is so cute! So glad you posted, keep it coming, I love keeping up with everyone

Erin Lily said...

YOUR HERE!!!!!!!!!! :) :) :) :) :)


your blog looks great so don't get discouraged! I'm so happy you had a great time with mom and everyone in CD'A. I'm so sad I couldn't be there :<( would have been SO FUN!!!!!!!

Lani said...

Christian the goat whisperer... who would have thought?

Angie Colwell said...

Hi Hannah!!! When are you coming to Az. We still owe you guys dinner.

Heitmann Family said...

Yeah Hannah!! I am so glad that you are up and running!!! Christian is getting so big. He is a handsome little guy!! I'll check back often so be sure to update!!
Love ya aimee

Dawn said...

HANNAH BANANA!!! You finally made it! I knew it would happen sooner or later and I'm so glad you got set up!! I'm so happy for us all to keep up because it's so much fun this way! Glad you got away for a little vacation and some much needed playtime. Come over and visit us at

Mandy said...

HANNAH! I am so happy I found your blog. I told Angie last time she saw you to say to you for me. What a cute baby you have!! I love blogging for this reason, to find people you used to love that you loose touch with. We had some fun times! Hope you will keep in